Ki vagyok én?

My story

Dear Hungarian as a foreign language students, 

I'm from Hungary and my native language is Hungarian. I live in Budapest but I'm from the Hungarian countryside. I have always enjoyed learning languages, that is why I chose to follow my career path as a language teacher. I have a masters degree, I am a professional teacher of English and Hungarian language and cultural studies. Apart from learning English as a foreign language I learnt French in high school and I started to learn Swedish from the scratch during my Erasmus studies. Thanks to this I have a lot of experience about different language learning methods and strategies, failures, successes as a learner, too. 

I have 10 years teaching experience. I started to give private lessons during my university studies. I am a freelancer. I taught 7 years in companies, mainly adults in small groups (maximum 6-8 members). I teach Hungarian language with great enthusiasm, it has become one of my passions.  My strengths as a teacher are  to focus on individual needs and develop personal material. That is why  I teach maximum 2 students as a private teacher and 4-member groups in companies. You will find more detailed information about my courses in the "courses" section.

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